Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I wrote this more for me than for you.

This is how it all began. Maybe everyone doesn't care about that, but I'm writing it just as much for personal therapy and so I can always remember as I am for people to read it.

So I found out I was pregnant on March 4th 2011, like a week after I turned 18 (Great b-day present right?). My parents knew before I even did, because I had taken a blood test that morning because of a medication I was on, and the doctors office called and told my parents the results. I was picked up from school (I had no idea why) and had to go take more tests just to make sure. Sure enough, they called that night and I really was pregnant. I was completely stunned, I hadn't even had suspicions beforehand...I hadn't missed a period yet because I wasn't supposed to start til the next day.
 I knew, without a doubt, who the father was and almost didn't tell him. But I broke down that night and called him. We had broken up not long before I found out, but not because of any dramatic issue, I just didn't feel like we really had any potential of a long-term relationship. We had known eachother since the beginning of our junior year of high school, but never been friends until the November of our senior year. We started talking, then started "dating" (never acctually went on a date, lol) on January 1st of 2011. We had friends who were friends and we all hung out a few times, but other than that, most of our time was spent in his room, listening to music and talking. After we broke up, we were still on good terms though, which I was thankful for when I found out I was pregnant. On the phone, he was pretty calm (I was freaking out) and said that we would work things out and everything would be okay. He told me later that after that phone call he just took a shower and cried.
I was so scared but I knew that this was my baby and I loved it already. My parents were very disappointed in me, but told me that they loved me anyways and that they would help me through this. The next few weeks of my life are kinda hazy in my mind, I don't remember exactly how everything went or when things happened. It was really rough though. I had decided to try to keep it on the downlow, I would only be 4 months along when I graduated, so I could get away with not having drama with kids at school knowing. I didn't have anyone to talk about it with- I didn't like to bring it up with my parents, the babys father didn't want a whole lot to do with me, I didn't want to tell my friends, and my sisters didn't know yet. I was just kinda stuck inside myself. I had discussed some options with my parents, and they reminded me that our church leaders had counseled unwed mothers to either marry the childs father or if a successful marriage was not possible to place the baby for adoption. But they told me that in the end this was my decision and they would support me no matter what I decided to do- marry, place the baby, or single-parent.

1 comment:

  1. Alisha!!
    I love this!! What an awesome thing to have not only for you but for baby b as well! Hope you know how much you are loved and thought of!!
